Ridge venting plays an important role in extending the life of your roof system.
The long-term performance of your roof doesn’t just depend on acts of god and/or the lack there of. It also depends on something that most homeowners simply don’t think about. Attic Roof Ventilation!
The lack of proper attic ventilation for your roof can lead to an all-out voiding of an asphalt shingle manufacturer’s warranty. When damage to the roof occurs as a direct result of insufficient ventilation, the manufacture can no longer be held responsible for defects.
Unfortunately, the average contractor in Dallas/Fort Worth knows nothing about ventilating an attic space properly.
Do I have your attention? Ok, let’s talk a little bit about the benefits of having the correct attic roof ventilation installed on your home.
About Roof Ventilation
What is the correct roof ventilation? How much is needed? Where is the correct placement to put them.
All questions you need to be able to answer if you are planning on having a new roof installed anytime soon.
Attic Ventilation is required by most building codes, all roofing material manufacturers and the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA).
There are many different options available, however, which is right for you will take some experience. Not all ventilation systems are the same and some do not provide the adequate ventilation they claim.
Powered Attic Fans
These fans are powered by electricity and can be controlled by a switch or a thermostat. It can be set to detect a specific heat build-up temperature within the attic space, engaging the fan, automatically exhausting the hot air from the attic space as it is needed.
There are also solar powered options available that require no electricity. Solar seems to be the chosen method today with rising popularity each summer.
Gable Vents
These are usually already included on most homes and are not considered proper attic ventilation for our southern region.
They are typically found at each end of the home or building. They are normally louvered vents that allow air to be drawn out of the attic space and prevent moisture from rain and snow from blowing back into the home.
Generally speaking, the ridge is the peak of the roof where two opposing roof planes meet.
The National Roofing Contractors Association defines the ridge as the highest point on a roof, represented by a horizontal line where two roof areas intersect, running the length of the area.
A ridge vent is a ventilation strip that is placed along the ridge line of your home. Prior to installing the ridge vent, a 1 inch wide strip of roof decking is cut out along both sides of the ridge line to allow for air movement through the vent. We will discuss more about Ridge Vents later.
Types of Ridge Vents
There are two types of ridge vents:
Ventilation Combinations
Over the course of the last 30 years, we have had an opportunity to watch our roof systems age over time. This is a unique opportunity that most roofing companies simply are not in business long enough to experience or simply over look.
What we found is that actually combining a new ridge vent system with 1 or more strategically placed solar powered ventilators went a very long way in actively creating a consistent and positive air flow within the attic space. Thus, lowering energy costs and taking stress off of heating and AC equipment, all while extending the life of the shingle roof system. Just another advantage to hiring an actual shingle roof specialist versus the normal General Contractor or jack of all trades.
The HonestRoof.com Advantage!
For all HonestRoof.com customers, we provide complimentary FREE upgrades in terms of installing Ridge Vents and Solar Fans on every roof replacement or new roof installation project that we undertake.
If you live in the Dallas Fort Worth area and are planning on having any roof work done on your roof, give us a call or send us an email for a second or third opinion, before you do anything. It could very well save you thousands.
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