When you file an insurance claim, you are being paid a budget to make improvements to your home. Why give it all away? When you hand the entire insurance claim over to a general contractor or middleman company, you are immediately loosing thousands of your dollars in commissions going into different peoples pockets, instead of your home. Protect your claims money! Put it in your own bank account and demand estimates for any work that you need. Odds are, honest estimates are going to come in less than what your insurance company owed you. There is a reason we have so many A+ reviews. Want to see what a real roof estimate looks like? Want to know what the best way to handle your insurance claim really is? Give us a call at 817-HONEST-1, or fill out an estimate request form on any page on our website and let us send you an estimate. You’ll be glad you did.

Contingency Agreements are Scams